Be More confident in your career,
network with ease,
AND GET clear on your purpose & impact

Personal, confidential, and holistic sessions with a seasoned career coach who cares about you and your impact on the world.

  • A career roadmap just for you

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current career and zeroing in your values to create your personalized career roadmap to fit your unique needs and goals. Careers are highly personal.

  • Confidently Explore new opportunities

    I’ve worked with career changers at various levels. I offer you confidentiality and discretion so that you can explore every facet of the career development process with confidence.

  • craft your own vision for your future

    Since crafting a dream-worthy values based career is more than just personalized branding, a strategy, and application, I’ll guiding you toward crafting a vocational vision that helps you live out your purpose.

What you’ll get

  • Weekly 1-on-1 sessions on Zoom

  • 6 Steps to Networking with Confidence and Ease delivered live with 1:1 support to help you build your network, access the hidden job market, and create genuine connections to last you a lifetime

  • Guidance navigating the mental hurdles and pitfalls of the job search

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

  • Activities to help you clarify your goals and impact

  • The Job Seekers A-Z Resource Pack that includes templates and tools to support you along the way (ex. resume, cover letter, data-driven offer evaluator, etc.)

  • Review and feedback on all of your job search documents

  • Personalized transition plan for success in your first 90 days in your new role

  • Email support along the way

what people are saying.

Meet Your coach

Hey there, I’m Sarah JanTausch and I’m excited you’re here. I’m a speaker, trainer, and coach who works with individuals to create values-based careers. I also partner with organizations serving both students and job-seekers for the job market of the future. My specialties include career-pivots and generosity-based networking that makes creating genuine connections and growing your network feel almost completely effortless.

Previously, I crafted my dream career working in politics and government. While serving Ohio’s Governor and Lt. Governor in various leadership roles and advocating for effective public policy, I ran multimillion dollar programs and I led a team while overseeing statewide outreach. I earned my Bachelor of Arts from Ohio Wesleyan University where I majored in Politics & Government. As a mid-career professional, I went back to school to earn my Master of Science in Management and Leadership at Western Governors University. I am a member of the National and Ohio Career Development Associations (OCDA) and I currently chair the OCDA’s government relations committee.

Our total vocational impact includes more than just our day-to-day work. I love exploring and helping my clients define the impact they want to make on the world. For me, this includes a variety of volunteer roles I’ve held in my community, from volunteer board positions to spending approximately 15 years on political campaign work. I’ve worked on key issues including healthcare, substance abuse, education, and recreation. When I’m not working or volunteering, you can find me hanging out with my husband and our two cats Peanut Butter and Blaze or hitting up a local coffee house.


How much is a consultation?

Free! An introductory consultation is the perfect opportunity for you and I to get to know one another and decide if it is a good fit for us to work together. Please allow for up to 90 minutes for this meeting and ensure you are in a quiet place without distractions.

Do I have to sign up for coaching, if I come to a consultation?


What happens during a consultation?

We will begin with what brought you to the consult. During the 90 minutes, I’ll ask you questions about your goals, career history, and we will talk about what it would look like for you to reach your goal. There will be time for you to ask any questions and seek career advice during the call. Sometimes, a consultation is all someone needs to gain the clarity they are looking for, but others need a more in-depth experience.

Why are consultations 90 minutes long?

At this time, I include up to an hour of free coaching within the consultation so that you can get an idea of what working together would be like. This allows us time to dig into the details a bit. Consultations don’t have to fill the full time allotment, but they are there for you if you need it. I look forward to seeing you on my calendar. Click here to grab a spot.

What if I don’t know what I want my goal to be and I’m just burnt out and hate my job?

I want you to know that it’s ok to feel this way and it’s totally normal to start here. When we meet, I’ll guide you through a process of exploration and together we will chip away until the goal becomes clear. Then, we will work on crafting a strategy to get you to the goal. Along the way, I’ll offer support and coaching to support your needs while working to remove barriers and offer mindset shifts that support your career goals and help you build capacity to navigate any hurdle that presents itself.

How do I know if I need coaching?

It all begins with an hunch, an inkling, or an idea. Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a while or maybe just a few days. Maybe you’ve updated your resume and thought about applying to new jobs, but it feels complicated. Maybe you have hopped from one job to another and found that it wasn’t the answer you were looking for. Maybe you once loved your career, but you’re burnt out and need to decide whether it is time to stay or go. Maybe you’ve been out of the workforce for a little bit or a while and need help getting back in. Maybe you want to turn a passion or hobby into your full time work and aren’t sure how to navigate the transition. Maybe you know what you want to do and for whatever reason you haven’t met your goal yet and need a helping hand. There are many reasons individuals come to coaching, let’s talk through yours in a consultation.