Values Based Career Services

Careers of the future will look nothing like the linear careers of the past. In 2017, Dell Technologies estimated that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven't even been invented yet.

You owe it to yourself to craft a career that is uniquely yours and is built on your values, passions, skills, and the impact you wish to make.

Let’s get started, crafting your impact so that you can create a ripple effect on the world.

1:1 Coaching

For executives, individual contributors, and those coming back from a career break looking to design a career move that creates lasting impact. Coaching covers the tools, tactics, and cognitive elements involved in a successful career change.

Networking Workshop

This is a group training workshop for companies, organizations, schools, clubs, and anyone who is looking to amplify impact and influence. “6 Steps to Networking with Confidence and Ease” workshop teaches the mindset and strategy around creating genuine connections that can last a lifetime. The skills taught through this workshop can benefit students, sales teams, career coaches, small business owners, and anyone looking to create genuine connections to support your organizations goals.

Consulting & SPeaking Engagements

For organizations of any size needing a facilitator, commencement, or ceremony speaker. All engagements are quoted individually. Please contact for pricing.